Angular JS

Angular JS is a JavaScript MVC framework that lets you build well structured, easily testable, and maintainable front-end applications. Angular JS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps.

We will provide real time project training with code explanation and implementation. Our training modules are completely designed according to current IT market. After completion of 55% of course, student will go through Major Project Training,Live Project Training, Interview Preparation and Recruitment process in IT Industry.

The goal of Angular 2 Training course is to provide developers easy and complete understanding of the Angular 4 with our Class Room Training. The Angular 5 Training course provides a series of sessions & Lab Assignments which introduce and explain Angular 6 features that are used to code, debug and deploy Angular 5. Angular 6 Training in HyderabadAngular 5 Training in Hyderabad Ameerpet.

Why Angular

1.User Experience similar to a Desktop Application
2.Productivity and Tooling
5.Full-featured Framework
6.Platform for Targeting Native Mobile not just Web Browsers

Angular Js (Angular 1.x)
Angular 2
Angular 4
Angular 5
Angular 6

  • AngularJS training teaches developers how to use AngularJS to facilitate development of single-page web applications that use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.
  • AngularJS allows your application to have an expanded HTML library. Learn to add behavior to your HTML and speed up your application’s responsiveness.
  • Angular is a framework for building client applications in HTML and either JavaScript or a language like TypeScript that compiles to JavaScript.The framework consists of several libraries, some of them core and some optional.
  • You write Angular applications by composing HTML templates with Angularized markup, writing component classes to manage those templates, adding application logic in services, and boxing components and services in modules.
  • Then you launch the app by bootstrapping the root module. Angular takes over, presenting your application content in a browser and responding to user interactions according to the instructions you’ve provided.

Angular Syllabus

  • Module 1: IntroductionIn this module we will learn what is angular, what are the major differences between Angular 1.X, Angular 2 and Angular 4. We will also learn how to setup in the local environment and a small introduction about typescript.
  • What is Angular?
  • Angular (vs) Angular2 (vs) Angular4
  • Setup for local environment
  • What is Typescript?
  • Why Typescript
  • Setup and installation
  • IDE support
  • Scoping using Let and Const Keywords ( ES6 )
  • Template Literals ( ES6 )
  • Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters ( ES6 )
  • Destructuring ( ES6 )
    • Module 2: DirectivesIn this module we will learn what the built-in directives that we mostly use in angular4, and usage of Host Listener and Host Binding. Also we can learn how to create attribute directives.
      • Structural directives (Built-in Directives (ngIF, ngFor, ngSwitch)
      • Style and Class Directives ( ngClass, ngStyle)
      • Attribute directives
      • Host Listener and Host Binding
    • Module 3: Data bindingIn this module we will learn how to do data-binding in angular4, and how we can make use of @input and @output decorators.
      • Property binding and Interpolation
      • Event binding
      • Two-way Binding
      • Use of @Input and @Output
    • Module 4: ComponentsIn this module we will learn one of the major concept in angular4 i.e., components. And we can also learn how to create dynamic component using ngComponentOutlet.
      • What are components?
      • Understanding Components life cycle hooks
      • Creating and using components
      • Dynamic components using ngComponentOutlet
    • Module 5: ModulesIn this module we will learn what modules are, and usage of modules in different manner. We can also learn what AOT compilation is.
      • Root App module
      • Ahead-Of-Time(AOT) Compilation
      • Feature modules
      • Lazy Loading a Module
      • Shared Module
    • Module 6: FormsIn this module we will learn two different types of creating forms in angular4 i.e. template driven and model driven. And we will also learn how to do validations and how to create custom validators.
      • Template Driven Forms
      • Model Driven & Reactive Forms
      • Form with @ViewChild
      • Validations
      • Resetting & submitting forms
      • Custom Validators
    • Module 7: PipesIn this module we will learn what pipes are, and how to pass parameters to pipes, and how to create custom pipes. And we will also learn new concept Async pipes that is introduced in angular4.
      • Why pipes are useful?
      • Parameterizing pipes
      • Custom pipes
      • Pure and Impure pipes
      • Async pipes
    • Module 8: Services & Dependency injectionIn this module we will learn what are services and how do they communicate using HTTP protocol to the server.And we will also learn about very interesting topic Dependency Injection in angular.
      • Creating Service
      • Logger Service
      • $http Service
      • Injectors
      • Providers
      • Tokens
      • DI in Angular Framework
    • Module 9: RoutingIn this module we will learn the introduction for routing in angular and how to navigate between views, how to do parameterized routing.
      • Introduction
      • Configuring & Navigating
      • Parameterized routes
    • Module 10: Crud Operations Using Http ServiceIn this module we will create an application with end-to-end start from server to client, getting response and requests using HTTP service.
      • Creating Services
      • Creating Components
      • Creating Routings
      • Configuring NgModule
      • Run the application


Angular js Training in Hyderabad
Angular js Online Training Institutes in Ameerpet 

Angular js online training in hyderabad Ameerpet Telangana
Angular js Training in Hyderabad Ameerpet
Angular 2 Training in hyderabad

Angular js Training Hyderabad Telangana
Angular js course Training institute in hyderabad
Angular 6 Training in Hyderabad
Angular 4 Course Training in Hyderabad

Angular 6 Training in Hyderabad
Angular 5 Online Training Institutes in Ameerpet 

Angular js online training in hyderabad Ameerpet Telangana
Angular 4 Training in Hyderabad Ameerpet
Angular 5 Training in hyderabad

Angular 4 Training Hyderabad Telangana
Angular 5 course Training institute in hyderabad
Angular 6 Training in Hyderabad
Angular 5 Course Training in Hyderabad

Angular js Projects in Hyderabad

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